Day by day dirt particles in the air is on the rise and most of the contributions are made in the field of construction. To construct houses, we need raw materials like stone, sand, cement. To make those materials (rocks) to the standard size hydraulic machines, explosive are used which would result in air and noise pollution in surrounding areas. To avoid those damages to public, Soundless Chemical demolition chemicals also known as non-explosive demolition chemicals are employed. Later on, this applicability shifted towards demolition of the concrete components. To make this chemical work, drill holes are made up to reasonable depth in the concrete specimen and the chemical mix is poured by mixing it with water. After some time concrete cracks without any pollution. The purpose of this project is to vary theparameters like depth of bore, number of bores, etc. and to find out how the changes in parameters could possibly affect the time needed to crack the concrete specimen. Knowledge about this kind of demolition technique is not widely employed in Indian states but there is lot of scope available to employ this technique for demolition of concrete specimens. This technique could be a boon to lot of people who want to demolish the concrete structures without any disturbance.