Grain size distribution is one of the basic Property of soil which gives an idea about Engineering Properties of soil. Particle size is used to predict the Soil behaviour. The Shape of particles significantly affects the grain size distribution and Engineering behaviour of the soils. Round grains are more likely to slip and roll than angular fragments. Natural sand and crushed sand are difference in shape. Natural sand has the roundness and roughness. The shape of natural sand is altered during transportation or weathering. On the other hand, crushed quartz sand tends to be equidimensional or elongated in shape. This is because quartz has no cleavage. Particle rotation is a basic component of deformation during compressibility of granular materials which is affected by the shape of the grains. In shear behaviour, the friction angle can be affected by the gradation of sand, such as sands with the lowest friction angle tend to be medium-fine, well-rounded, and poorly graded sands and sands with the highest friction angle tend to be coarser grained, well-graded, and/or angular sands. Shear Strength of Natural Sand and the Crushed quartz was determined using Direct Shear test and the Strength is compared. Shape Parameters like Sphericity and Roundness of both Natural Sand and Crushed quartz is analysed using ImageJ analysis and the values are compared. From various tests it is found that Crushed Quartz particles has more Angular and Semi Rounded Particles which significantly increases its Shear strength 15 to 40% more than the Natural Sand.