Racial means connected with a particular race or with various races. Discriminate means to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which one treats other people, because of their skin, colour, religion, sex etc. Segregate means to keep one group of people apart from another and treat them differently especially because of race or sex. The geographical features of a country decides the colour of the skin of human beings. People belonging to U.S.A, Russia, France, Great Britain and Australia are termed as the white people- the white race. Whereas the people of Africa, India, Srilanka and other countries whose skin is black are branded as black race people. Naturally the tendency of the white race is to look down upon the black race. Every race has its own characteristics. The people of the same race will easily mingle with others. But there will be no mutual understanding between any two races, Aryan race, Dravidian race, Mongolian race and other races are there in the world. One race discards the other race, sometimes a quarrel or fight may arise between two different races.