At the present days the nuts, grains and various agriculture products are dried by natural method with the help of sunlight. It proceeds more time to remove the moisture content present in the nut. This manner is not appropriate to dry the nut during the period of rainy season and also drying area, time requirement and labour requirement are more to dry the nuts. So, I have trying to resolve this difficult by doing my project as DUAL SOURCE DRYER. In India 70 per cent of the grain is sundried. This leads to better dependence on the atmosphere and loss of grain if improperly dried. The drying of grain by the conventional method cannot succeed the desired moisture level as per the user's requirement. The use of grain dryers will not only reduce the environmental dependence of the drying process but will also provide customizable moisture content in the grain according to user's demands. The storage of the grain requires is to be below at a particular moisture level else it would lead to the enlargement of moulds which will damage the grain.