Recently, the concept of MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) radars has drawn considerable attention. In traditional SIMO (single-input-multiple-output) radar, the transmitters emit coherent waveforms to form a focused beam. In MIMO radar, the transmitters emit orthogonal (or incoherent) waveforms to increase the spatial resolution. In the MIMO radar, since many transmitting waveforms are involved, their cross-ambiguity functions enter into the signal design problem. Hence, the successful design of orthogonal code sets with low auto correlation and cross-correlation is crucial for implementing mimo radar systems. In this project, pseudo-random code sequences are used to generate orthogonal MIMO radar waveforms. the waveforms generated are Linear Frequency Modulation Waveforms and Frequency Hopping waveforms. Their auto-correlation and Cross-correlation functions are then determined and compared.