This paper on 'Language Mixing in Eugene O'Neill's play 'The Emperor Jones' deals with mixing of two languages namely Black English and African American English. If one uses a language and mixed words, phrases and sentences from other usages is called as code-mixing. It is used to describe changes at the word level, when one or two words change in a sentence. In this play Eugene O'Neill described distinctive uses of same language according to the social group. It has various forms of language such as slang, colloquial and informal group. The language of Negroes called 'Black English' is used in 'The Emperor Jones'. It has been variously named as 'Negro Non Standard English', 'Negro dialect', and 'African American English'. This dialect shares many features with other kinds of English. The features associated with this dialect are found on Standard English while they speak. The languages mixed in this play are namely Black British English, African American English, Slang, Colloquial and also low varieties of the language have been mixed.