This paper evaluates the impact of major e-Goverment (e-Gov) projects implemented in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. These projects involves investments of millions of dollars and huge amount of effort and time; yet littile is know about their impact, partly due to lack or inappropriate use of measuring frameworks.
The study propose an Impact Assessment Framework based on Bhatnagar and Sigh's e-Government Impact Assessment Framework developed in 2010. The framework accounts for all possible stakeholders that could be affected by an e-Gov delivery project namely; clients receiving the service, the agency that delivers the service and the wider affected society consisting of citizens, government, business and the civil society. For data collection, 350 questionnaries were distributed to e-Gov users in five different sites in Limpopo Province and Studying of secondary data sources of the e-Systems. A combination of qualitatve methods and quantiative data analysis using SPSS were used for data analysis. Key dimensions for measuring impact was based on: cost to clients of accessing computerized-services, custom satisfaction with services, governance transparency and sustainability impact.
Findings showed wide variations in impact across implemented projects; but overall, clients releated deep satisfaction with e-Gov services; reduced number of trips to service offering offices; less waiting time in queues to be served; reduced corruption and increased satisfaction in e-Gov services; and increased revenue collection conclusion, e-Gov has a positive impact on the way citizens access government services electronically and participate in democratic processes.
The Study recommends adostion of a multi-dimensional impact assessment approach by the government when evaluation impact of e-Gov projects. The identified key sucess factors in source e-Gov projects should be incorporated into other legging e-Gov projects to become fully-transactional and reap the same gains for the full-benefit of the citizen and government.